Major release which updates the library to be compliant with the revised Swiss Implementation Guidelines QR-bill version 2.0 (QRIN-11).
Improvement: QRIN-25 - Update QR Invoice Core Library to meet Style Guide QR-bill (16.01.2019)
Please note:
Support for Swiss Payments Code version 1.0 has been completely dropped, as this version will never be used in production.
Although this version comes with some API incompatibilities compared to the 0.x versions, upgrading to this version is an easy task.
New Feature: QRIN-10 - Create a way to pre-initialize the library (see How to Eager Initialize the QR Invoice Library )
Improvement: QRIN-7 - Update OpenPDF to 1.1.0 (optional BouncyCastle dependency)
Improvement: QRIN-8 - Update Maven Plugin Versions
Bugfix: QRIN-9 - TTF Scanning on Windows does not look into default font directory
Starting with this version, all artifacts are published to Central Repository. Furthermore all QR Invoice Solutions are dual licensed under the AGPLv3 as well as our commercial licenses.
New Feature: QRIN-2 - Add Arial Support (feature requested by client)
Bugfix: Set correct box corner line width for freeTextBox (amount / debtor) in OpenPdf implementation
New Feature: QR Invoice REST Standalone Application - Demo WebApp
New Feature: QR Invoice REST Standalone Application - Swagger UI updated
Bugfix: QRIN-3 - Amount format issue for round sums
New Feature: Standalone application "qrinvoice-rest-standalone implemented, which exposes REST API with swagger documentation
New Feature: QR Code - rendering support for PDF, JPEG and BMP added
New Feature: Payment part - rendering support for JPEG and BMP added
Bugfix: Wrong line widths when printing free text fields without printing the boundary line
New Feature: Payment part - rendering support for GIF, TIFF and PNG added (feature requested by client)
Improvement: Performance optimizations, mainly affecting SwissQrCode creation
Bugfix: Adjusted free text field corner sizes and line thickness in order to match exact dimensions from the specification / example file
New Feature: QrInvoiceCodeParser is capable of scanning QR Codes from images
New Feature: QR Code can be created as GIF, TIFF and PNG
Improvement: Validation considers max length of the Swiss Payments Code to be encoded in QR Code / Validates max supported QR version 25
Improvement: Warns if inputs are not trimmed
Improvement: Added detailed page on Specification Requirements Fulfillment
Improvement: Better layouting of the payment part depending on the payload
Improvement: Increased test coverage
Bugfix: Invalid character written to the SPC
Bugfix: Line ending (element separator) on last line of the SPC lead to more than 30 lines
Bugfix: Missing reference number in the information section (payment part)
Bugfix: Exception when attempting to create huge rasterized QR Code. Now a maximum of 10'000 pixels is validated.